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Towards a green lights programme in Europe

Panel: Panel 1: Policy (incentives, normative measures, policy mixes to achive CO_2 reduction)

Vincent Berruto, European Commission
Flavio Conti, European Commission
Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission
John S. Hoffman, WorkSmart Energy Enterprises, Inc.
Herve Lefebver, ADEME
Sabrina Birner, June Consulting, Inc.
Nils Borg, Borg & Co AB


The European Commission is investigating the idea of launching soon a voluntary programme encouraging non-residential electricity consumers (public or private) to commit themselves to install energy-efficient lighting technologies in their facilities wherever (1) it is profitable, and (2) lighting quality gets maintained or improved. The principle is to invite top-managers to sign a Memorandum of Understanding stating that they will undertake all the profitable lighting upgrades within a given time period.

In the United States, significant energy savings are claimed by the organisers of such a scheme, called Green Lights. In Europe, the concept hasn’t been much experienced but an interview among 43 companies shows favourable dispositions. A European Green Lights programme could be established by EC-DGXVII with a strong support from the Joint Research Centre and National Energy Agencies. These Agencies could help fund, tailor and market the programme. They could also provide European partners with a customised technical support.


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