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Evaluation of the energy efficiency check in Norway

Panel: Panel 1: Assessment of Energy Efficiency Policy

Liv Randi Lindseth, Norsk Enoek og Energi AS


The Energy Efficiency Check (EEC), an EE programme, is a standardised EE audit for households in Norway. It has been used in national EE campaigns and other mass distributions. Being the EE tool of the residential sector that has required the most resources in the last years, both its goals and effects have been disputed. The results and conclusions produce valuable input to the current reorganisation of the total EE-enterprise in Norway, covering use of public funding, organisation and implementation of EE programs.

The findings are interesting and, by first glance, quite depressing for the parties that have put a lot of resources in this particular EE programme.

The most important findings are:

  • The EEC used in a mass distribution has little effect on implementation of EE measures,

  • Customers who have not received the EEC seem to have implemented most EE measures overall,

  • It seems likely that the participants sought confirmation more than advice.

The gain of the EEC has for the most part been successful passing of knowledge and marketing of the EE Centre and its services to end-users.

One conclusion is that one should be clear on what goals that are set to an EE programme and shape the contents and implementation accordingly. It looks as though one had expectations that the EE Check would give kWh savings, but that the programme is designed to give other gains. We do not recommend mass distribution, but believe that the EEC can become a useful data tool in a personal advice situation one-on-one with selected customers.


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