Columnists: Andrea Roscetti, Università della Svizzera italiana

Published on: 22 Dec 2022

eceee stands up for the climate, security, solidarity and prosperity

2022 is soon over. As we are going into a festive season of rest and lower tempo, we have an opportunity for reflection. I realise that I am stating the obvious when I say that 2022 was an extremely turbulent and upsetting year. However, with the Ukraine war, one of our main arguments for energy efficiency – energy security in all its aspects – suddenly jumped from a discussion of probabilities and risk assessment to full blown, real-time crisis management.

In response to the conflict, eceee just published an open letter on the current energy supply and cost crisis. In this letter, we refrained from going into day-to-day policy details; instead, we chose to go back to our roots: Why is efficiency important? What motivates us? It is, if you so wish, a credo for efficiency and the letter expresses who we are as an association.

We have invited all eceee members to sign – individuals and organisations. Many others have asked to sign, but this time we have chosen to keep this a letter from all of us in the eceee community. If you are not a member and want to sign, you should join us.

Being a member is not just about expressing yourself. After two difficult pandemic years, it felt as a relief to be back with an in-person summer study in June this year. The participant evaluation was overwhelmingly positive. We’re have embarked on a journey to make our events zero carbon, and it was encouraging to see the big jump in the share of participants travelling by train to the South of France from 2019 to 2022 (participants who stated they had travelled by air dropped from 60% to 30%!).

The next Summer Study is planned for June 2024. Meanwhile, you’ll find all papers, abstracts and panel presentations here, and the plenary presentations here. And, a big thanks to all our partners, participants and panel leaders who made the event possible and successful!

In November this year, we organized the Zero Carbon Industry in Antwerp which was a much smaller, but very timely event. See the Antwerp event’s programme pages to access presentations and the films from the workshops and the plenaries. We are particularly grateful for the involvement of the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF) and its members that made the Saving Energy in a Hurry pre-conference event possible.

As an organization, we are now working to get up to speed and to expand our actions.

A few of the things we are working on:

  • Creating very informative webinars covering the basics of the main energy efficiency directives and EU policy initiatives. We hope these webinars can be used as comprehensive on-boarding tutorials for anyone who feels a bit lost in the jungle of policy initiatives, legal instruments and implementation measures.
  • Setting up more smaller events in addition to the Summer Study, such as the recent Zero Carbon Industry conference
  • We are also looking into how we can make our Summer Study and other eceee events key elements for professional training and career development.

Being a member also gives you other direct benefits:

  • Free access to Springer’s Energy Efficiency Journal
  • Free access to the most recent conference proceedings,
  • Organizational members the opportunity to present themselves in our members’ forum.
  • Discounts on conference fees

If you are not a member yet, I do hope you wish to join us for 2023. We need to grow our membership to make eceee an even stronger voice for Energy Efficiency.

Peaceful holidays and happy new year!

The views expressed in this column are those of the columnist and do not necessarily reflect the views of eceee or any of its members.

Other columns by Andrea Roscetti