Be afraid—11 scary facts, stats and lies about our planet this Halloween

(Eco Business, 31 Oct 2018) From drowned cities and the collapse of ecosystems to the terrifying ignorance of politicians, here are some of the most frightening things that are happening to this planet we call home.

There’s nothing like a bit of terror to wake people up to what’s going on in the world.

The most frightening piece of news of the year (so far) was the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that revealed that humanity has a little over a decade to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions before the climate starts to go seriously crazy.

Scarier still, humanity doesn’t seem to care. We continue to pump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, dump plastic in the ocean and cut down trees at an unprecedented rate. “The chances of co-operative action seem near zero in today’s nationalistic world. One need only consider the response to the IPCC report—essentially a collective yawn—to realise that,” wrote Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times last month.

But the IPCC report, and the world’s lack of response to it, is not the only reason for us to run for the hills. With Halloween upon us, Eco-Business presents 11 things that should scare us to our senses.

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Eco Business, 31 Oct 2018: Be afraid—11 scary facts, stats and lies about our planet this Halloween