BPIE presents strategic action plan for energy security

(eceee news, 18 Mar 2022) The Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) has published an action plan – Solidarity & Resilience Action Plan – calling for an accelerated phase-out of fossil fuels through energy efficiency measures and an increased share of renewables in heating and cooling.

Europe has already proven a united and strong front against the military aggression, now is the time for bold and immediate action to massively upscale energy efficiency renovations in our buildings and homes, and to quickly wean ourselves off foreign energy imports, BPIEwrites.

Acccording to BPIE,  Europe needs to take strategic actions to reduce its dependency on energy imports from Russia and other non-EU countries. The actions must avoid quick fixes which might pose similar future risks.

BPIE’s Solidarity & Resilience Action Plan is written as response to the Commission’s publication RePowerEU, which, according BPIE, seems to be very weak on buildings efficiency and renovation/insulation.

The action plan presents a list of suggestions which is divided into the categories projects/campaigns, financing and regulation. The actions refer to three time horizons – actions that can be rolled out in the next 6 months, in 3 years, and in 5 years. According to BPIE; all these types of measures are needed if the EU is to decrease its energy import dependency in the long run and boost its resilience.

The list of immediate actions to take now to prepare for next winter include:

  • Insulating attics and roofs can save up to 14% of residential heating energy
  • Checking heating systems and upgrading low cost heating controls will save approximately 10% of heating energy
  • Scaling up renovation advice with the Building Renovation Passport will trigger faster and deeper energy savings across Europe
  • A solar installation campaign will increase renewable heat and electricity and should be made mandatory on large flat-roof buildings
  • Boosting investments in serial renovation and upskilling of the construction labour force
  • Usind RRF funds, ETS revenues and EIB funds to pay for individual low cost measures
  • Ensuring that the Fit-for-55 political decisions are aligned with Europe’s energy security and climate mitigation priorities

View the action plan here