COP24 diary – day #4

(6 Dec 2018) Over this special series on COP24, EURACTIV gives you a glimpse into the goings on of the UN climate conference in Katowice and what is driving the conversation there. In this edition: An update on the negotiations, Bulgaria, Canada, open letters, the shipping and car industry, and more.

On the negotiation side. Negotiations on the technical aspects of the Paris Agreement officially started 4 December.

“What negotiators are now trying to do is to streamline the current negotiation text,” said Lucile Dufour, representing the French branch within the CAN International network. 

“There are many options on the table, the worst and the best. Negotiators will try to meet somewhere in the middle, in the so-called landing zones,” she explained to EURACTIV.

This means delegates are now working on a 200-or-so page document, down from the 307-page text that negotiators presented at the end of the Bangkok session last September. By the end of this week, they are to present a significantly reduced and homogenous document.

In this process, a notorious element has emerged since the COP21 in Paris: square brackets. 

In climate negotiations, brackets act as a barometer of just how far negotiators have managed to progress on specific agenda items. The less brackets there are, the more likely compromises are to be reached.

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, 6 Dec 2018: COP24 diary – day #4