Managing rebound: New eceee report at eceee's new sufficiency web site

(eceee news, 19 Nov 2018) New report explores the nature of rebound effects and asks whether sufficiency policies can help counter negative rebounds.

Last week, eceee launched a new website: 'Energy Sufficiency', to be found at  If you have ever wondered how we can go beyond energy efficiency to deliver deeper, lasting cuts in energy use while at the same time improving well-being, have a look at this new resource.

The new report on rebound, by authors from the universities of Surrey and Sussex in the UK, is a concept paper developed within eceee's energy sufficiency project. Two other reports are already online: An introductory report as well as a report on energy sufficiency in product policy.

Progress within boundaries

eceee’s energy sufficiency project doesn’t deliver definite answers to all questions. Rather it represents one outcome of a collaborative process where we explore options to progress within planetary boundaries. It provides concept papers and workshop reports from the project as well key papers and external resources for all to explore.

We do hope it will stimulate discussion and thought. We will continue to add more material to the site over the coming year.

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