Six key lifestyle changes can help avert the climate crisis, study finds

(The Guardian, 7 Mar 2022) Research shows that governments and individuals making small changes can have a huge impact in reducing emissions.

People in well-off countries can help avert climate breakdown by making six relatively straightforward lifestyle changes, according to research from three leading institutions.

The study found that sticking to six specific commitments – from flying no more than once every three years to only buying three new items of clothing a year – could rein in the runaway consumption that is partially driving the climate crisis.

The research carried out by academics at Leeds University and analysed by experts at the global engineering firm Arup and the C40 group of world cities, found that making the six commitments could account for a quarter of the emissions reductions required to keep the global heating down to 1.5C.

The study was published on Monday alongside the launch of a new climate movement to persuade and support relatively well off people to make “The Jump” and sign up to the six pledges.

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The Guardian, 7 Mar 2022: Six key lifestyle changes can help avert the climate crisis, study finds