Shop around and turn off appliances: ways to beat Australia’s energy price hikes

(The Guardian, 16 Mar 2023) Looking for the best deal and saving energy around the home can help keep power bills under control.

Australians are being hit with a double whammy: climate change is worsening extremes in weather and the price of energy is soaring. The combination is bad news if you are looking to crank up the air conditioner over a weekend of heatwaves in eastern Australia. In fact, households in most states can expect power bills to rise by as much as 23.7% from 1 July and gas shortages are anticipated.

Mariam Gabaji, a Finder energy expert, is expecting “a couple more years” of price hikes for renters and homeowners before the market eases.

But in the meantime, there are ways to beat the price rises by reducing your energy consumption and bills.

Get the best deal

Almost a third of Australians don’t believe they are getting good value from their energy plans – but only 13% have switched providers. Gabaji warns that staying loyal to an energy provider can cost up to $168 a year.

“The old days of setting and forgetting your energy are long gone,” she says. “You might not notice the jump in bills in the first quarter, but it will add up by the end of the year.

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The Guardian, 16 Mar 2023: Shop around and turn off appliances: ways to beat Australia’s energy price hikes