The climate vulnerable are starting to roar

(Climate Home News, 28 Nov 2022) The history of the annual UN climate talks, now in their 27th year, is marked by setbacks, delays and inaction from the world’s rich carbon emitters – all while the climate crisis continues to devastate countries and communities in front of our very eyes.

So, it is a joy to see this year’s meeting, which happened to take place on African soil in Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheikh, finally respond to the calls of those on the front line of the climate emergency.

Countries at Cop27 agreed to create a special fund for “loss and damage” which will effectively compensate people who have suffered the most severe climate impacts, ones so bad they cannot be adapted to.

It’s a remarkable achievement considering that vulnerable countries had to fight to even get the issue on the agenda in the first few days of the meeting. Many of us weren’t convinced we would get this positive outcome halfway through the two-week summit in Sharm.

But in the negotiating rooms and conference halls, the developing countries, with civil society support, fought as if their lives depended on it because they do. The cause of climate justice prevailed. How is it fair that those suffering loss and damage caused by others, not themselves, should have to pay for it?

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Climate Home News, 28 Nov 2022: The climate vulnerable are starting to roar