We are not yet doomed: the carbon cutters determined to save the world

(The Guardian, 18 Apr 2019) An orchestra, a village, an entire country: the movement to rein in greenhouse gas emissions is growing.

We are all doomed, it is said. Carbon dioxide is amassing in the atmosphere at levels not seen for millions of years when there were trees at the South Pole and Florida was under water. We have barely a decade to make amends. Protesters are on the streets.

But huge numbers of people have not given up. Not yet. Call them the carbon cutters. They are companies and cities, niche groups and nations. They are commuters and communes, off-gridders and off-setters, investors and institutions – and countless individuals, cutting their meat intake, installing solar panels, eschewing gas guzzlers and long-haul flights.

The Guardian’s Upside team heard from more than 200 carbon cutters in a callout to readers. We followed up their tips and showcase eight examples here, with many more in the comment thread. Their example in cutting carbon is a challenge to us all.

The orchestra

They are calling it “the world’s first sustainable season”, created by a Swedish orchestra so determined to cut its emissions that it has promised not to employ any musicians or conductors who travel by air.

“We are convinced that we can get all we need in terms of talent and artistic energy from within Europe, and from people living in Europe who come from other parts of the world,” said Fredrik Österling, director of Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra.

“You can’t hear if a conductor comes from Venezuela or from China or from England. The differences are very, very small.”

External link

The Guardian, 18 Apr 2019: We are not yet doomed: the carbon cutters determined to save the world