Nearly-zero energy buildings in Europe - Recommendations from research, 14 demonstration sites and 30 buildings

Start/Stop Date:
23 Jun 2014
2pm to 6pm, at the Committee of the Regions, Bâtiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard 99-101, B-1040 Brussels.
Focus Areas:
Nearly-zero energy buildings
Type of Event:

On the occasion of EUSEW 2014, the four projects DIRECTION, BUILDSMART, NEXT-Buildings and NEED4B have organized the conference "Nearly-zero energy buildings in Europe - Recommendations from research, 14 demonstration sites and 30 buildings".

The aim of the conference is demonstrating how low energy efficient buildings can be achieved at affordable costs for the benefit of a sustainable environment and how the users of the buildings can enjoy a comfortable environment at work and in everyday life. The conference will show how it is possible to achieve real results on new buildings being designed and built having in mind sustainability and efficiency through the experience gathered by those demonstrative projects. 

The conference addresses political decision makers and public authorities at the regional and local level. They are key players able to increase awareness among policy makers, support favourable legislative framework creation and public procurement and in many cases they represent the owners and promoters of public buildings.

Please find enclosed the conference agenda. Attendance is free of charge upon online registration. Get more information or register for the event.
