Achieving high performance based on real buildings and results

Start/Stop Date:
17 Feb 2016
14:30 - 18:00 at Vorhölzer Forum, TUM - Arcis Strasse 21, D-89333 Munich Germany.
Focus Areas:
High performance in buildings
Type of Event:

Would you like to benefit from the insights of European architects, developers and constructors as they conclude four years of work in designing a framework for constructing new low-energy buildings?

Our eleven-strong project consortium is organising an academia-industry seminar with round-tables drawing on the results achieved under their project called DIRECTION. This project, involving 2 real buildings, the Munich’s NuOffice and Valladolid’s CARTIF III, has aimed at integrating and deploying innovative and cost-effective technologies to achieve under 60kWh/m2/year in energy consumption for new buildings.

The seminar will mark the end of the project and will see our sustainable buildings experts sharing their experience on topics such as building performance analysis, cost control and design-construction-operation-methodology. Why not take this opportunity to engage directly with the project partners and to grasp the real challenges and solutions based on DIRECTION’s findings?

You are cordially invited to this event which will take place on 17 February 2016 from 14:30h to 18:00h at Vorhölzer Forum, TUM - Arcis Strasse 21, D-89333 Munich Germany.

Read the programme. Please register before 7 February 2016.

Register for the event