Joint European Commission and eceee seminar on Energy Efficiency Obligations

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New: Workshop Summary (pdf
Report (pdf)
see also eceee's EED pages, including a briefing on Energy Efficiency Obligations (2 March 2012).

Aim and focus

As part of the "Bucharest Forum" process, the European Commission’s DG Energy contracted eceee to develop a briefing on energy service companies (ESCOs) and Energy Efficiency Obligations (EEO). As part of the task, eceee organised a seminar on Energy Efficiency Obligations, which was held in Brussels on 30 September 2011.

The aim of the technical seminar was to provide participants with an overview of key design features, functioning and results of existing (and planned) energy efficiency obligation schemes in Europe and globally. The seminar contributed to the discussions of the proposal for a new Energy Efficiency Directive by establishing a common understanding of this policy instrument.

A good picture of the – often quite different – ways in which schemes are designed was provided. The seminar gave time to look into specific technical issues such as coverage of the systems and cost-recovery mechanisms.

The seminar was targeted at EU Member State representatives and national experts, Members of the European Parliament, stakeholders (such as trade associations, consumer organisations and NGOs), and other key experts.

About the Bucharest Forum

The Bucharest Energy Forum, co-organised by the Romanian Ministry for Economy and the Commission, was established to provide a platform for the exchange of information and to contribute to policy development on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Presentations made at the seminar:

The French Energy Savings Certificates Scheme, presented by François Greaume, ADEME - Agency for Environment and Energy Management.

The French Energy Savings Certificates Scheme, presented by – François Greaume, Brussel Office – ADEME, and Cyrielle Borde,ESC Coordinator - Climate Department – ADEME, Agency for Environment and Energy Management.

The REG public service obligations in the Flemish Region, presented by Ann Collys, Flemish Energy Agency, Belgium.

Denmark’s multi-sector and distributor-based approach, presented by Chief Consultant Richard Schalburg, Policy Department, Danish Energy Association.

Experience of EU Energy Efficiency Obligations – Diverse but Delivering, presented by Eoin Lees, vice-President eceee.

Designing and effective EEO: lessons learned from the Italian experience, presented by Marcella Pavan, Head of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas (AEEG) - Italy.

Issues on cost, presented by Marcella Pavan, Head of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas (AEEG) - Italy.

Supplier Obligations in the US – Assessing the costs, presented by Edith Pike-Biegunska, The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), Belgium.

UK energy company obligations, presented by Gareth Jenkins, Department of Energy & Climate Change Energy Company Obligation Team, United Kingdom.

How to optimise benefits when designing a new EEO scheme, presented by Dr. Ryszard Wnuk, Director of Poland-Japan Energy Conservation Technology Centre, The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE), Poland.

Morning session: National experiences of EEO Schemes
Chaired by Paul Hodson, Head of Unit Energy Efficiency at DG Energy


Welcome and opening  address

Philip Lowe, Director General, DG Energy, European Commission


Experience of EU energy efficiency obligations – diverse but delivering

Eoin Lees, eceee vice-President


Main characteristics of the French white certificate scheme

François Greaume, ADEME


Denmark’s multi-sector and distributor-based approach

Richard Schalburg, Chief Consultant, Danish Energy Association


Poland – How to optimise benefits when designing a new EEO scheme

Ryszard Wnuk, Director of Poland-Japan Energy Conservation technology Centre, The Polish national Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE)

11.40- 12.00 Coffee break


Designing an effective energy efficiency obligation: lessons learned from the Italian experience

Marcella Pavan, Head of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, AEEG - Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas


Key features of the British energy efficiency obligations

Gareth Jenkins, Department of Energy & Climate Change Energy Company Obligation Team


Overall Q&A


Lunch 13.15 - 14.30

Afternoon session – Workshops on specific aspects of EEO schemes


Session 1. Coverage of the schemes: sectors targeted, social aspects, implications on measurement


Chaired by Eoin Lees, eceee vice President

Introductions by chair and:
Ann Collys, Flemish Energy Agency 
François Greaume, and Cyrielle Borde, ADEME


Session 2: Costs and benefits: how much they cost, how to design a cost-efficient and beneficial scheme, cost-recovery mechanisms (incl. ESCOs)

Chaired by Peter Bach, Chief Advisor, Danish Energy Agency /eceee President

Introductions by chair and:
Marcella Pavan, AEEG, Italy 
Gareth Jenkins, DECC, UK


Round up

Paul Hodson, Head of Unit Energy Efficiency at DG Energy