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Defining Characteristics of the Technological Innovation System for Zero Emission Buildings

Panel: Presentations

Nykamp, H. Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway


Significantly reducing energy-use in the building stock is often upheld as an important step on the way in the transition to low-carbon society. According to the IEA reductions the building sector is among the most cost efficient, and the untapped potential is massive18. Demonstration projects have been built successfully. It is technologically feasible to construct buildings that consume very little or no energy, and make a profit. Why then, are we not seeing a proliferation of sustainable building projects? Are there features of the building industry that are especially conducive to or hindering innovation? Little academic attention has been paid to innovation in construction. Research have dealt primarily either with technical aspects, or the behavior of users. This paper makes the case for an innovation systems / institutional approach to the study of sustainable construction. The paper provides an overview of the field and identifies the different actors and institutions in the Norwegian construction sector. Identifying actors can shed light on different technological pathways and the different voices trying to frame the debate. Understanding the field and its institutional set-up will perhaps point to some clues on how to explain the slow diffusion of innovative building concepts and perceived lack of change in the field. Some reflections on the building industry’s role in a larger transformation are included and policy issues will be addresse


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