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A network initiative to promote energy efficiency in SMEs

Panel: 1. Programmes to promote industrial energy efficiency

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Peter Maagøe Petersen, Viegand Maagøe A/S, Denmark
Thomas Drivsholm, Go'Energi (The Danish Energy Saving Trust), Denmark


SME’s are usually a tough target group to involve when implementing energy efficiency programs. Despite the significant energy savings potential, lack of resources, competences and commitment to implement a systematic energy saving initiative are major barriers for improving energy efficiency.

In 2010 and 2011, Go’ Energi (GE) (Literally in English “Good Energy”, and also known as the Danish Energy Saving Trust) investigated how to approach the SME segment. As a result of positive feedback from the industries surveyed, a network initiative has been developed to promote energy efficiency to SMEs. After the first year of operation, the network initiative appears to be successful.

Firstly, the initiative is anchored by the establishment of local networks that address commercial and industrial energy efficiency. These networks are to be established in each of the approximately 100 Danish municipalities. The networks are hosted by either local climate initiatives or by local business councils – in both cases with GE as coach and program manager.

Secondly, a comprehensive set of “checklists” for energy efficiency in the most important areas have been developed, for example for ventilation, cooling systems, boilers and heating systems, server rooms, lighting, etc. These checklists are based on best practice principles for energy efficiency (the “onion” diagram) carefully developed over the past 20 years of energy efficiency activities in Danish industry.

Finally, a consultant scheme has been developed that is aimed at promoting the use of professionally-qualified technical specialists to go through each of the checklists at a fairly low, fixed price for the industries participating in the network activities.

So far, more than 100 companies have joined the program and the principles are widely recognised among industries and partners of the program. Significant energy savings have been achieved by the first wave of companies involved in “checking” selected areas.


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