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Energy efficiency study of industrial factories using time-series data analysis and thermal imaging

Panel: 5. The role of energy management systems, education, outreach and training

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Michael Whiteley, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Graeme Stuart, Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, United Kingdom
Richard Greenough, Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, United Kingdom


With climate change issues gaining interest and awareness in recent years, many initiatives and programmes have been set up as to mitigate against climate change, many of which are bound by law. In the UK there are a few options for different sectors to reduce their emissions through programmes.

Half-hourly energy analysis is a good way to ascertain a picture of energy use in industrial and commercial applications, and the technique is used in this paper to highlight key energy saving opportunities in two case studies. Both case studies showed that one of the greatest potentials for quantitative and quick savings was to address the air compressor systems. Based upon key assumptions case A could save over €74,000 per year through compressor energy saving measures. Case B could save in excess of €55,000 per year through energy saving measures based upon key assumptions described in the body of this paper.

It was found that many energy saving opportunities were missed by energy managers due to inadequate training and knowledge in the energy field. An example is that a fully automated timer system was installed in one case study to turn off air compressors when not in use. This system cost nearly €10,000 but was not used since installation due to lack of knowledge of its purpose and/or not knowing it was there.

This paper shows that energy analysis knowledge needs to move from academia to the energy managers in companies. Based upon the two case studies, it was found that energy managers were under qualified to undertake reasonable energy analysis with the view to mitigate against energy wastage on site. A better training and awareness programme could yield substantial financial and energy savings in cases such as described in this paper.


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