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2xEP challenge – voluntary commitment program for industrial companies

Panel: 1. Policies and programmes

Jonathan Jutsen, RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre, Australia


The Australian Alliance to Save Energy (A2SE) has been developing a program for business to encourage leading companies to voluntarily commit to doubling their energy productivity by 2030 (from 2010 base). This is being done as part of a much larger 2xEP (doubling energy productivity) agenda.

Participating organisations sign an agreement with government, committing them to improve their energy performance and report publicly on their achievements against annual milestones, and in response government(s) and other support agencies (like industry associations) commit to provide a high level of public recognition for business' commitment and achievements and also provide access to special Challenge member support programs.

The 2xEP Challenge program has been incorporated as a cornerstone program of the National Energy Productivity Plan of COAG – signed off by the Commonwealth and State energy ministers. The 2xEP Challenge was modelled on earlier successful voluntary programs and has been design to align in objectives with the international EP100 program which is being launched in the first half of 2016.

This presentation will examine program design features including the interaction with international programs and the function of the Challenge with the National EP Plan. I will also review progress of the implementation of the program including business acceptance. This will follow a series of workshops planned for Feb/March and an expected launch of a pilot from July 2016.


Download this presentation as pdf: 1-010-16_Jutsen_presentation.pdf