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How should energy efficiency in industry be defined?

Panel: 3. Energy management: the nuts and bolts

Glenn Widerström, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden


When the term energy efficiency is used in technical reports or other documents, the meaning of the term is usually not defined. The meaning of energy efficiency seems in most cases to depend on in which context it is used. Energy efficiency improvements can be achieved by e.g. • Shutting off equipment that is not needed • Replacement of older equipment by new and more efficient units • Introduction of new control systems • Design of equipment so as to correspond closely to actual needs • Better use of waste energy • Recirculation of materials • Change of working routines to decrease the use of energy • Change of energy form (electric power instead of fossil fuels) When presentations need to be made of results of energy savings in quantitative terms, the lack of adequate definitions is embarrassing. This is particularly true when comparisons are to be made between big industries or between industrial sectors. Changes in the use of energy may be a result of a number of actions in the industry like increasing or decreasing production volumes, moving production facilities to other countries, increased refining etc. In such cases, it is not a question of measures carried through in order to improve the energy efficiency. The possibilities to reduce the costs of energy may be of little relevance compared to considerations regarding overall economy, production and market conditions. This abstracts is based on a Swedish study, made in the horizontal BREF process of the European Commission, for the TWG on Energy Efficiency in industrial installations (ENE). Defining energy efficiency is a complex problem and it is not possible to present a solution that will satisfy all the parties that have an interest in using strict definitions. In the study, we have considered the problem from the perspective of single companies and have not extended the system boundaries to include activities that are handled by other actors in the society.


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