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Characterization of the Potential for Electricity Conservation in Portugal

Panel: Panel 1: Policy and Programmes - Who can deliver DSM?

Paulo S. Júlio, Universidade de Coimbra
Pedro H. Cabra, Universidade de Coimbra
Ricardo S. Costa, Universidade de Coimbra
Anìbal T. de Almeida, Universidade de Coimbra


The Portuguese utility, EDP-Electricidade de Portugal, together with the University of Coimbra is carrying out a Least-Cost Planning pilot project, sponsored by the SAVE Programme of the European Union. One of the main tasks of this project was the development of the conservation supply curves for the Residential, Services and Industrial Sectors, which are presented in the paper.

In the Residential sector 34% of the electricity consumption can be saved in a cost-effective way, that is with prices below supply costs. White appliances (refrigerator, freezer, washing machines) and lighting provide the most interesting saving opportunities. Space conditioning, although with modest importance in the present, is expected to grow significantly in the near future bringing dramatic changes to the load diagram.

In the Services Sector, which is the fastest growing sector, the cost-effective savings potential reaches an impressive 40%. Lighting contains more than half of the savings potential, followed in relative importance by space cooling technologies. Energy-efficient office technologies can also produce a significant impact in the load growth.

In the Industrial Sector the savings potential reaches 27%, without considering modifications to manufacturing processes. Energy-efficient motor-driven technologies provide the vast majority of potential savings. Energy-efficient lighting and power factor improvement are also attractive options.

The paper also discusses possible strategies and programmes to promote the penetration of the most attractive technologies in the different sectors.


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