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eceee 1997 Summer Study on energy efficiency: Sustainable Energy Opportunities for a Greater Europe

Panel Panel 3: Energy Efficiency options for industry

International Energy Efficiency Comparison and Policy Implications in the Iron and Steel Industry
Ernst Worrell, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Jacco Farla, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Lynn Price, Energy Analysis Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Nathan Martin, Energy Analysis Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Roberto Schaeffer, Energy Planning Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Incentive Policy on Industrial CHP in Denmark
Jesper Koch, Danish Energy Agency

Long Term Manufacturing Energy Use in Norway: An International Perspective
Fridtjof F. Unander, Institute for Energy Technology, Norway
Lee Schipper, International Energy Agency, France*

Can Industry Do Better Alone? A Critical discussion of the Voluntary agreements on Climate Protection of the German Industry
Kora Kristof, Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment Energy
Stephan Ramesohl, Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment Energy

Standby Consumption in TVs and VCRs: Lessons for Other Equipment with 'Leaking Electricity'
Kevin Lane, Environmental Change Unit, University of Oxford
Boudewijn Huenges Wajer, NOVEM

European Database of Energy Efficient Electric Motor Systems
Dr. Ing. Flavio Conti, Joint Research Centre- Ispra, European Commission
Dr. Stefano Maria Cocchi, Joint Research Centre- Ispra, European Commission

Environmental Management Systems as New Tools to Enhance Sustainable Energy Use
Rolf Wüstenhagen, Institut für Wirtschaft und Ökologie, University of St. Gallen (IWÖ-HSG), Switzerland

Development of Energy Saving Measures in Uzbek Industries
Said A. Inogamov, Uzbekistan Energy Centre
Bakhtiyar B. Sadriddinov, EC Co-ordinating Unit in Uzbekistan

Results of the long term agreements in the textile industry in the Netherlands
Johann G.Th. Flint, Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment (Novem)

Small and Medium Sized Gas Turbines for CHP: An Option to Improve Energy Efficiency of the Industrial Sector
Walter Cariani, ENEA - Energy Department - Division Promotion of Efficient Use of Energy
Rino Romani, ENEA - Energy Department - Division Promotion of Efficient Use of Energy
Sigfrido Vignati, ENEA - Energy Department - Division Promotion of Efficient Use of Energy

Energy Efficiency in Automotive and Steel Plants
Carl Castellow, Foresight Group
C. Eric Bonnyman, Scan America
H. Gil Peach, Scan America
Joseph C Ghislain, Ford
Phares A. Noel, Chrysler
Mary A. Kurtz, General Motors
J. Malinowski, Detroit Edison
Martin Kushler, Michigan Public Service Commission

Free Markets versus Regulation: How to Improve the Efficiency of Standby Power Appliances
Horace Herring, Open University

Subsidy Scheme for Employment of Energy Staff Memebers in Enterprises
Ulla Elm-Larsen, Danish Energy Agency

Motives for Using Agreements in Energy Policy
Signe Krarup, AKF, Institute of Local Government Studies, Denmark

Long term agreements on energy efficiency in industry
Wil C. Nuijen, Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment (Novem)

Duplicating the success - From positive examples to socioeconomic marketing strategies for greater energy efficiency
Stephan Ramesohl, Wuppertal Institut for Climate Environment Energy
Christoph Clases, Institute for Psychology, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
Friedemann Prose, Institute for Psychology, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel

Combined Heat and Power Production in Finland
Seppo Silvonen, MOTIVA, Information Centre for Energy Efficiency
Tero Mäkelä, Finnish District Heating Association

US Department of Energy's Motor Challenge: Developed with Industry for Industry
Aimee T. McKane, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Vestal C. Tutterow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Paul E. Scheihing, United States Department of Energy
Chris Cockrill, United States Department of Energy