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Revision of Japanese Jousing Energy Efficiency Standards, Contents and Trial of a "Next-Generation Standard"

Panel: Panel 4: Environmental Perspective (externalities and life cycle approaches, local and global impacts and incentatives)

Miyuki Yokoo, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc.
Hidetoshi Nakagami, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc.
Chiharu Murakoshi, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc.
Jun Manabe, Ministry of Construction


Recently, the diffusion of tightly sealed, highly insulated housing into the northern parts of Japan has increased. As one of its global warming countermeasures, the Ministry of Construction reconsidered and revised energy efficiency standards for housing in March, 1999. Called collectively the "next-generation standard," the revised standards should result in improved energy efficiency by about 30% in the regions where most of Japan's population is concentrated.


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