Search eceee proceedings goes European. How to get Mr. Smith hooked to energy efficient appliances

Panel: Panel 4. Market transformation

Sophie Attali, sowatt/ICE
Eric Bush, SAFE, Swiss Agency for Efficient Energy Use


Topten is a consumer-oriented online search tool first created in Switzerland, which presents the "best appliances" in various categories of products (white and brown goods, ITC, cars, lighting...). Energy efficiency is the key criteria. But Topten is more than an internet platform. It is a communication tool which helps to show how our energy consumption causes climate change and what we can do personally to reduce our impact. It is also a powerful instrument to influence manufacturers.

Topten is independent of producers and retailers and relies on neutral tests and analyses of independent institutions and standardized declarations of manufacturers.

The paper presents:

  • The tool itself: what can be seen on, why it has been developed in this way, how it is constantly updated, who is behind it with which goals ...
  • The results in Switzerland after five years of growing success, the media's central role in rising awareness, Topten's role as a reference for energy efficiency policies, manufacturers' reactions ...

The new policy orientation taken by Topten with the support of WWF Europe: the extension to other countries through a platform - in order to create multinational pressure at the European level to influence manufacturers while working specifically on national markets and adapting the concept to the specific needs of each country.


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