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Combining carbon footprinting, monitoring, feedback, and rewards for a broad spectrum reduction of household induced greenhouse gas emissions

Panel: Panel 3. Monitoring & evaluation: understanding change and how to deliver energy efficiency

Adriaan Perrels, Government Institute for Economic Research VATT, Finland
Mikko Hongisto, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
Kaarina Hyvönen, National Consumer Research Centre KTK, Finland
Arto Kallio, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
Juha-Matti Katajajuuri, MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Finland
Ari Nissinen, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Finland


The study reported in this article (named CLIMATE BONUS) concerns the combined use of verified carbon footprints (possibly visualised through labels), personalised monitoring and feedback services to households regarding the greenhouse gas intensities of their purchases, and a reward system (bonuses) for consumers who manage to reduce the embodied emissions. The study assesses the accuracy and verification requirements and the harmonisation needs for the various information systems and their interfaces. This should culminate in a data strategy, in which a data acquisition, generation and co-ordination strategy and a data quality assurance strategy will be developed. Equally important, the study also assesses, via an own pilot, what the response of households (as consumers) can amount to and how the responsiveness to various incentives can be rated.

The paper provides an outline of the intended system, including its rationale. Subsequently, the paper focuses on the consumer pilot and the feedback from the participants. It also provides a brief impression of the expected overall economic effectiveness of the system.


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