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Retrofitting technology to real homes: assessing the multiple impacts of solar-powered ventilation

Panel: Panel 7. Innovative buildings technologies

Louise Sunderland, Association for the Conservation of Energy, Westgate House, United Kingdom
Sarah McLean, formerly of the Association for the Conservation of Energy, United Kingdom


Retrofitting technologies and systems into existing houses is far more complex and technically challenging than integration into new build. The multiple priorities driving retrofit, the complexity of the existing stock itself and the diverse needs of the residents that inhabit it require multifaceted and sensitive solutions.

This paper draws on the findings of one project designed to address multiple targets of energy and CO 2 reduction, fuel poverty alleviation, health and wellbeing improvement. It presents the monitoring results and lessons learned from a project installing ventilation and energy efficiency measures into homes in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (McLean et al 2007). The intention of the project was to enhance indoor air quality, reduce domestic energy consumption and bills and improve the health and wellbeing of the householders. The focus was on the fuel poor, who made up 78% of the 120 households.

Monitoring showed improvements in the indoor environment and reported self identified health benefits. It is not clear from the results whether or not use of the ventilation systems led to a reduction in energy consumption and associated CO 2 emissions.

In addition to the monitoring findings, this paper draws lessons from the project management and evaluation design on critical issues and considerations around the treatment of existing homes. The paper reveals the importance of demonstration or technology test projects, the difficulties in assessing cost-effectiveness of measures with multiple priorities and the importance of partnerships for holistically addressing these priorities.


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