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On the road to energy-efficient mobility in Austria: An extended technology wedges approach

Panel: 4. Transport and mobility: How to deliver energy efficiency 

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Angela Köppl, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria
Claudia Kettner, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Austria
Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Austria
Andrea Damm, University of Graz, Austria
Karl Steninger, University of Graz, Austria
Brigitte Wolkinger, University of Graz, Austria


Energy and climate policy objectives require a fundamental restructuring of our energy systems, affecting energy service and final energy demand as well as energy generation. One central area for changes is mobility that accounts for a significant and growing share in energy related CO2 emissions and energy demand.

In the research presented in this paper, an extended concept of technology wedges is used for Austria to illustrate options for technological and behavioural changes in the transport sector. A wedge is defined as an option that achieves substantial reductions in energy demand and/or emissions. The effects on the whole energy cascade are taken into account (changes in energy services – application and transformation technologies – primary energy).

The energy service in mobility is the access to persons, goods and services needed for connecting important functions and amenities of daily life. To simplify the measurability, energy service is expressed by the variables vehicle or passenger kilometres and tonne-kilometres. Vehicle or passenger kilometres may however be reduced as effect of the technology wedge, still leading to the same access to persons or goods. This especially applies to options like improved spatial planning.

The technology wedges aim at three major effects. First, transport performance is reduced. Second, there is a shift between transport modes e.g. a shift from cars to bike and pedestrian. Third, changes arise from efficiency gains (e.g. improved propulsion technology).

First, energy demand and CO2 emissions are extrapolated until 2020 (reference path). Then the potential for savings from the implementation of individual technology wedges is calculated. A portfolio of options is developed which accounts for interactions between wedges (e.g. reduced potential of bio-fuels due to reduced energy service demand). In addition to energy and emission effects the economic impacts of the wedges are assessed.


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