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Improving energy efficiency policies: the role of international projects

Panel: 1. Foundations of future energy policy

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Thibaud Voïta, International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), France


Over the past two decades, international donors have increased their focus on energy-efficiency (EE) projects . In 2010, the GEF invested USD 872.2 million in EE projects. The UN launched the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative aims to transform the world’s energy systems by 2030, largely via improved EE.

This paper examines how international projects can complement national EE policies. The paper builds on the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC)’s work that reviews multilateral and international EE initiatives.

It focuses on EE projects implemented in five emerging economies: Brazil, China, India, Mexico and Russia. International donors have implemented important projects in these countries in most of the EE fields. For instance, the World Bank has played a crucial role in the introduction of Energy Service Companies (ESCO) in China. Other important projects in these countries include (but are not limited to) replacement of inefficient lighting, energy manager training, equipment upgrade, and the establishment of credit lines dedicated to EE.

The paper examines the linkages between these projects and the national policies: 1. how they complement each others, 2. what are the role of national and local institutions, and 3. how international donors can leverage national policies and help accelerate market transformation. It will identify best practices, overlaps, lessons learnt and the possible gaps. Finally, it will draw conclusions on how to improve international cooperation on EE.


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