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Overview and assessment of the energy efficiency and energy conservation policies and initiatives of the Republic of South Africa

Panel: 2. Energy efficiency policies: What delivers?

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Theodore Covary, UNDP, South Africa
Dr Ulrich Avereesch, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbiet (GIZ), South Africa


South Africa experienced rolling electricity blackouts in 2008. Since that time the National Energy Efficiency Strategy (NEES) has been revised to accelerate the development of energy efficiency policies and to make their implementation effective.

The NEES consists of a mixture of regulatory measures, financial incentives, demonstration projects and awareness campaigns as well as voluntary agreements. The primary objective of the NEES is to reduce the overall consumption of energy using the above listed measures and tools but also has other important objectives. The NEES sets voluntary targets for key sectors, however to date apart from a handful of programmes the implementation and uptake of energy efficiency measures is disappointing. The commercial and industrial sectors have complained about the lack of a cohesive programme which is underpinned by unambiguous policy and regulations.

With funding from GIZ, we analysed the current energy policy in South Africa and their interaction with other policies. The objective was to consolidate all these onto one document allowing all stakeholders to have a consolidated view of what is in place, what is being proposed which will give them the opportunity to participate in a more meaningful manner.

The paper presents the methodology used to asses the status of current policies in South Africa. It includes the evaluation and review of all Government commitments pertaining to energy efficiency including the constitution and other broad policy documents, as well as regulations and current energy programmes. The desk study was followed by interviews with key stakeholders from international agencies, public and private sector to identify gaps, alignments and overlaps. Information collected was analysed and consolidated onto one page in the form of a policy map.

The report also evaluated international best practises regarding National Energy Action Plan.


Download this paper as pdf: 2-506-13_Covary.pdf

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