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How can we renovate deeply if we don’t know what that is?

Panel: 5B. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Policy and programmes

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Sophie Shnapp,
, France
Rosa Sitjà Gibert, Global Buildings Performance Network, France
Cathy Higgins, New Buildings Institute, Canada


There is still no common definition of deep renovation at EU level, let alone a global definition. So, what is deep renovation? What is the analytical framework of a deep renovation policy package? What are the best practice policies that are compliant with this framework?

Research attempts to solve these global issues combined with a series of webinars that brings global experts on deep renovation together to discuss these topics. The multi-part series gives attendees a chance to deepen the discussions, finally coming up with a clear set of definitions and criteria to define best practice. They also allow for the best practices in the EU and the US to be exposed and distributed among experts, building stakeholders and to policy makers.

The definition of deep renovation varies between the regions. In Europe most definitions focus on heating, cooling, ventilation and hot water and the general understanding is that these should be improved by at least 75 %. In US the definitions are less harmonised, there is no clear definition of an energy renovation use consistently throughout the US Building Sector. Most commonly deep renovation in the US only demands an improvement in the range of 30 – 50%, but is based on full energy consumption including appliances.

Main emphasis is placed on summarising the different elements to analyse and select the best existing policy packages for deep renovation. It will then be supported by a policy package developed in collaboration with global experts to mandate deep renovation. These packages would include demands by renovation, incentives, tax rebates, certification and training.

A better understanding of deep renovation and the major challenges can support development of policy actions on a regional or national level and would call for global action.


Download this presentation as pdf: 5B-498-13_Shnapp_pre.pdf

Download this paper as pdf: 5B-498-13_Shnapp.pdf