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Appliances – enforcement of MEPS and energy labelling requirements

Panel: 7. Appliances, product policy and the ICT supply chain

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Peter Nielsen, Denmark
Pia Westphalen, Secretariat for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling of Products


MEPS and energy labelling of products can deliver a substantial part of the energy efficiency target, which the EU has set for 2020. Enforcement of regulations issued according to the Ecodesign and the energy labelling Directives is the soft spot in realizing the potential savings. The two Directives consider laboratory tests as synonymous with market surveillance. This paper points out, that it is unrealistic to rely fully on laboratory tests, and it compares the outcome of markets surveillance within the Ecopliant project with national Danish experiences. The paper further outlines alternative ways of achieving an acceptable compliance rate.


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Download this paper as pdf: 7-491-15_Nielsen.pdf