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One step back, two steps forward – resource efficiency requirements within ecodesign

Panel: 9. Improving energy efficiency in ICT, appliances and products

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Moritz-Caspar Schlegel, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany
Floris Akkerman, Federal Institute for Materials Reserach and Testing, Germany


Resource efficiency is a much discussed topic in terms of improving the sustainability of energy related and energy non-related products. Resource efficiency aspects such as the availability of spare parts, the ability to dismantle, etc. have been included in draft working documents in the revision of several already existing Ecodesign regulations as a first step. However, often these aspects are not consistent with the current technology and design of these products. A possible reason could be a lack of sufficient consultation or of a methodology which is sufficiently tailored for this topic.

The established strategies and tools, used by policymakers, such as the Methodology for the Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP), do not seem to deal with these aspects appropriately. Draft requirements need to be very well developed before being discussed with member states and other related stakeholders, because including resource efficiency parameters could lead to additional, very wide-ranging effects on society. This topic cannot be covered well with legislative tools developed primarily for energy aspects. In this paper, a method is presented which can be used to combine products’ properties with crucial resource efficiency indicators.

The method can be used to develop a set of draft legislative requirements and to pre-evaluate these requirements by target groups which would be affected by additional legal requirements. These include: market surveillance authorities, standardization organizations, manufacturers and their associations, environmental organizations and research facilities. The method incorporates stakeholders’ feedback to identify potential resource efficiency measures for materials and/or products, their impact on the European ecology, economy and society. Based on this it would help to develop legislative requirements which are feasible and desirable. The results can then be fed into the formal legislative process, probably speeding it up.


Download this presentation as pdf: 9-004-19_Akkerman_Presentation.pdf

Download this paper as pdf: 9-004-19_Schlegel.pdf