Young republicans aren’t going along with Fox on the Green New Deal

(Nexus Media News, 10 May 2019) Fox News launched a full-scale assault on the Green New Deal. It’s worked — but only among older Republicans.

The day that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) formally called for a Green New Deal to rein in climate change, Fox News went to war. On his show that evening, Sean Hannity said the Green New Deal was a socialist ploy that would end with “broken promises, failure, poverty, misery among the people. This is a real, serious threat to our way of life.”

In the following days, Fox News aired more than three times as many prime-time segments about the Green New Deal as MSNBC and CNN combined. When a resolution on a Green New deal came up for a vote in the Senate, Fox again devoted more prime-time coverage to the plan than its rivals. The network’s reporting was rife with falsehoods and fearmongering, much of it obsessed with Ocasio-Cortez.

All that negative coverage, it seems, has turned conservatives against the Green New Deal. But the effect isn’t uniform. While older conservatives are going along with Fox, the kids haven’t taken the bait.

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Nexus Media News, 10 May 2019: Young republicans aren’t going along with Fox on the Green New Deal