Ecodesign as a tool for resource efficiency and circular economy

Start/Stop Date:
03 Jun 2014
PlanMiljø, Denmark
Pullman Brussels Midi, Room Tahlys 1-3 PLACE VICTOR HORTA 1, 1060 BRUSSELS BELGIUM
Focus Areas:
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The conference aims at inspiring public and private decision makers to embrace Ecodesign as a profitable approach to resource efficiency and transition to a circular economy.

Resource efficiency and circular economy is at the core of the Europe 2020 and the Roadmap for a resource efficient Europe. However, current product policies do not seem to effectively address the issues. In the EU, the 7th Environmental Action Plan calls for a more coherent product policy framework that ensures minimum requirements regarding the environmental performance of products. It is also stated that products should be eco-designed in order to optimize resource and material efficiency.

Smart design has great potential both for companies and for the environment, yet it is not always the preferred choice. It is estimated that 80 % of the environmental impact of products have been decided in the design phase – including important decisions on durability, options for disassembly, toxic content in materials, and energy consumption. So there is a great potential to improve environmental performance by addressing adequately the environment during the product design process.

Based on the latest research and specific examples from industry, the conference will illuminate the principles and potential effects of how resource efficiency can be the platform for setting up requirements in the ecodesign directive. The conference is intended to engage practitioners, researchers, and policymakers in a dialogue on the way forward to more sustainable products.

The conference, which includes two sessions based with dialogue between participants and experts, is expected to bring forward points and potentials for a more efficient policy framework.

Attending the conference is free of charge.

Moderator: Peter Woodward


Register here

Contact: Irmelin Gram-Hanssen