Multinational knowledge brokerage event on Sustainable Consumer Electronics

Start/Stop Date:
15–17 Feb 2012
Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Institute for the Environment and Regional Development
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Focus Areas:
Energy efficiency
Type of Event:

Deadline for registration January 20, 2012

The RESPONDER project

The overall aim of RESPONDER is to promote sustainable consumption by exploring novel ways of knowledge brokerage that help to improve the management of potential political, social and economic contradictions with economic growth. The challenge is not just to bridge the gap between science and policy, but also to improve the mutual understanding between the “pro-growth community” (i.e. economists and policy makers oriented towards growth as an overarching policy goal) and the “beyond-growth community” (i.e. scientists oriented towards the limits to growth debate and policy makers involved in sustainable development). The innovative core of RESPONDER is the methodology “participatory systems mapping” for knowledge brokerage and its application in five different policy areas: “Food Consumption”, “Household Savings and Debts”, “Housing”, “Consumer Electronics” and “Mobility”.

Sustainable Consumer Electronics

ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are widely regarded as enablers of “green growth” in various sectors of the economy and important means to tackle environmental challenges such as climate change. ICT systems enable more sustainable production and consumption processes (ranging from product specific improvements to entire “smart systems” e.g. in transport or buildings) and have the potential to influence consumer choice and behaviour (e.g. reduced travel needs through telework; change of driving behaviour and energy use patterns through “smart technologies”). At the same time, ICT are expanding the use of technology which leads to increased energy consumption and ICT also have considerably direct environmental impacts in terms of energy use, materials throughput and end-of-life treatment. Hence, there are various puzzling questions raised within the ICT domain with regards to its contribution to economic growth and sustainable consumption. The RESPONDER Knowledge Brokerage event on “Sustainable Consumer Electronics” focuses on challenges within the ICT domain that relate to the segment of consumer electronics. In particular, the aim is to stimulate discussions on the issues of energy labeling, e-waste, the potential of telework and the diffusion of broadband which all comprise contradictory aspects relevant for policy-making. The event aims to foster networking and knowledge exchange between policy-makers and experienced researcher in the field.

Exemplary topics to be explored in system mapping sessions:

  • What does the promotion of product innovations to increase energy efficiency (e.g.through labelling) imply for energy consumption and e-waste?
  • What will the diffusion of broadband imply for residential energy consumption?
  • Can the promotion of telework contribute to energy savings and reduce environmental pollution by minimizing travelling needs?

Conference Programme and registration form

Join the RESPONDER community today by registering at
Submit your questions and evidence on the platform, participate in the debates and attend the RESPONDER events.