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Roadmap Dutch chemical industry 2030: How to reduce GHG-emission by 50%?

Panel: 1. Programmes to promote industrial energy efficiency

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Reinier Gerrits, Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry, The Netherlands
Joost Krebbekx, Berenschot, The Netherlands


In 2011 the VNCI has presented a scenario to achieve its ambitions of halving emissions of CO2 by 2030. This is now further elaborated in a roadmap, containing a strategic plan detailing the specific measures the sector can take to achieve its ambitious target.

The six objectives are:

1. Energy efficiency including recycling of by-products in the plant.

2. Replacement of fossil raw materials by renewables

3. Carbon Capture and storage

4. Recycling of material streams or closing the product lifecycle

5. Sustainable products: contribution to the development of sustainable products for end users

6. Purchase or self-generation of renewable energy

The total potential reduction identified in the preliminary study by 2030 is 402 PJ (31.5 mton CO2)

The roadmap contains four main components:

• over 400 projects have been identified in 50 interviews, where possible the Risks, Rewards and Resources and the level of technology readiness have been identified.

• This study also identified a number of options for new projects and programmes

• A ‘Calculations and Monitoring’ taskforce conducts a detailed evaluation of the baseline situation and develops a system for monitoring progress of the six courses of action.

• a ‘Lobbying and translation’ taskforce will focus on maintaining a level playing field at regional, national, European and global level, but also explain the implications of political objectives for the sector.

The EU has presented their roadmap to a low carbon economy and the energy roadmap, the Netherlands have presented their 'Klimaatbrief'. Crucial difference is that the VNCI roadmap is bottom-up and enables the sector to contribute in the discussions on development of necessary policy instruments. The roadmap project has to be delivered end of Q2 of 2012 and we expect to be able to present the result at the ECEEE in September.


Download this paper as pdf: 1-024-12_Gerrits.pdf

Download this presentation as pdf: 1-024-12_Gerrits_pre.pdf