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The Swedish National Energy Efficiency Network Program for SMEs – a review of methodology and early experiences

Panel: 1. Policies and programmes to drive transformation

Erika Strömvall, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden


Since 2015 the Swedish Energy Agency operates a national energy efficiency network program for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The program will continue until 2020 and is a part of the Swedish Energy Agency’s initiative to increase energy efficiency in SMEs.

Each network consists of 6 to 16 companies led by a network coordinator. The network is assigned an energy expert, which provides the companies with both individual counselling and group consultancy within energy efficiency issues. The networks operate on a common methodology based on energy management and theory behind learning networks. Energy efficiency networks in Switzerland, Germany and Sweden has served as inspiration when the methodology of the program was developed.

The aim of the program is to increase the participating company’s knowledge regarding energy efficiency. After completing the project, the companies are expected to work with energy efficiency in a systematic and structured manner. Some may have chosen to implement energy management systems according to ISO 50 001. The project goal is to decrease the energy consumption of companies with 15% by 2020.

At the time of writing, 38 networks for SMEs have been established and so far, 320 companies have joined the program. The majority of the companies have conducted an energy audit and at the end of November, the companies are expected to present an action plan for their energy efficiency measures until 2020.

The aim of this abstract is to present early experiences regarding the network program and it’s methodology. Among other things, these experiences include the process of recruiting companies as well as the process of the companies conducting their energy audits and action plans. Finally, a summary of the potential for energy efficiency and identified energy efficiency measures among the participating companies will be presented.


Download this presentation as pdf: 1-072-18_Stromvall_pres.pdf