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A Nationwide Assessment of Utility Sector Energy Efficiency Spending, Savings, and Integration with Utility System Resource Acquisition

Panel: Panel 8. Changing the Climate for Energy Efficiency: Local, National, and International Policy Dimensions

Dan York, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Martin Kushler, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy


Ratepayer-funded electric energy efficiency programs have entered an era of renewed focus and importance after a decade of relative neglect in the wake of electric industry restructuring. This paper presents nationwide data on electric energy efficiency programs over the period 1993–2004.1 The trend is clear. States and regions are increasing their investment and support for energy efficiency. There is a renewed focus on including energy efficiency as a resource within utility system planning and resource acquisition in selected states and regions— particularly California; the Pacific Northwest; and certain states in the Northeast, West, and Midwest. The trends we observe and report in this paper will accelerate in these areas based on increased commitments to energy efficiency program funding for the near-term future.


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Panels of

Panel 2. Residential Buildings: Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation

Panel 1. Residential Buildings: Technologies, Design, Performance Analysis, and Building Industry Trends

Panel 4. Commercial Buildings: Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation

Panel 3. Commercial Buildings: Technologies, Design, Performance Analysis, and Building Industry Trends

Panel 6. Market Transformation: Designing for Lasting Change

Panel 5. Utility Regulation and Competition: Incentives, Strategies, and Policies

Panel 7. Human and Social Dimensions of Energy Use: Trends and Their Implications

Panel 8. Changing the Climate for Energy Efficiency: Local, National, and International Policy Dimensions

Panel 9. Appliances, Lighting, Information Technologies, Consumer Electronics, and Miscellaneous End Uses

Panel 10. Roundtables and Interactive Sessions: Learning by Doing

Panel 11. Efficient Communities

Panel 12. Energy Conversations