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Circular economy principles – quantify the additional greenhouse gas savings potential of products covered under ecodesign

Panel: 7. Appliances, products, lighting and ICT

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Marie Baton, CLASP, Belgium
Michael Scholand, CLASP


In December 2015, the European Commission adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Package designed to accelerate Europe's transition towards a circular economy. The Commission expects this transition to boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and create new jobs. In the context of these wider goals, the authors conducted a study to prepare a first-order estimate of the greenhouse gas emission savings that could be delivered by applying circular economy principles to all products covered by the ecodesign and energy labelling regulations.

Thirty product groups were divided into five product categories – white goods, lighting, electronics, motors and motor systems, and heating and cooling products. A representative product was selected from each of these five categories for a product-specific analysis. The circular economy principles modelled in the analysis were: improved recyclability, extended service life, service economy (e.g., lease, pay-per-unit-of-service) and improved refurbishment. For recycling, the study extrapolates the findings for the representative product to the full product category.

This paper presents results for each of the five product categories. Electronics was found to have the largest greenhouse gas savings potential, particularly for recyclability and extended service life. And, for service economy, the study also found the average efficiency of the leased products was the most critical parameter influencing emission savings.

Building on these findings, this paper discusses implementation themes that could be applied in Europe, around communication, regulation and incentives. And it offers suggestions for next steps – including developing product metrics, stimulating recycled materials markets and developing more detailed market feasibility studies.


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Download this paper as pdf: 7-424-17_Baton.pdf