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Monitoring campaign 2.0, an innovative way to produce energy statistics based on long-term electricity consumption measurement in 100 French households

Panel: 4. Monitoring and evaluation for greater impact

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Muriel Dupret, Independent Consultant, France
Thérèse Kreitz, ADEME, France
Nicolas ANDREAU, Enertech, France


The residential sector with 36% of the total French electricity consumption in 2017 is the sector with the highest consumption. Despite a decrease in unitary consumption of numerous appliances, mainly due to European EuP directives, energy savings are negated by new additional consumption, possibly because of increased ownership level, appliance size, as well as emergence of new devices. Even though this is a major issue, there appears to be a basic lack of information on long term evaluation of the subject, which affects the capacity to implement appropriate actions.

In this context, the goal of the PANEL ELECDOM project, funded jointly by the French Energy Agency (ADEME) and the French Transmission System Operator (RTE), is to provide accurate household consumption data. Based on field measurement, it will allow to evaluate dynamically the evolution of the electricity consumption breakdown, as well as the impact of societal changes and the consumption patterns (products, behaviour). The intention of this research project is to continue over time in order to become a reference observatory of household equipment. The initiative aims at designing a neutral and unique platform which will provide baseline data sets. Simultaneously some analyses will be published annually.

Three thousand connected sensors will be installed in the electrical panel and directly to appliances in a representative sample of one hundred French dwellings in 2018. Data will be sent, checked then stored daily on an ftp server. Participants will also fill in a questionnaire in order to indicate the technical features of their equipment and their lifestyle. The paper will present the first results and describe this original approach targeting the most valuable use of electricity consumption monitoring at a reasonable cost. It will detail how it introduces a new way of producing statistics from real time field measurements and contributes to the assessment of demand side management policies.


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