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Evaluation of a major EU climate and energy initiative: the Covenant of Mayors

Panel: 6. Energy-efficient and low-carbon mobility for all

Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) Ispra, Italy


Cities and local authorities are key players in addressing climate change. The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (CoM) has been the first initiative of its kind addressing local authorities to endorse their efforts in the implementation of sustainable energy and climate policies and to provide them with a harmonised data compilation, methodological and reporting framework, supporting them in translating mitigation goals into reality. This paper provides the highlights of the last scientific assessment of CoM regarding mitigation and adaptation. The assessment covers the Climate and Energy Action Plans submitted by participating cities (more than 7000 cities), examines planned and implemented policies and measures (about 180000 for mitigations and 10000 for adaptation). It gives an overview on the progresses in terms of energy consumption reductions though energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and overall GHG emission reductions as reported by the cities in their regular monitoring reports, based on about 3000 monitoring reports. The risk and vulnerability assessment by cities is also presented together with the adaptation measures. The key findings show that the overall commitment to reducing GHG emissions by signatories is 30% by 2020 and 47% by 2030, compared to baseline emissions projected to 2005, with many cities committing to climate neutrality in advance of 2050 and the climate induced hazard presently and in future faced by cities.


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