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Improving municipal energy management by motivational measures

Panel: Panel 3: Dynamics of Consumption (social and cultural perspectives, actors and their interactions)

Maarit Haakana, VTT Building Technology
Ulla Soitinaho, Helsinki Energy Management Agency


Motivational measures for more energy efficient maintenance of buildings are piloted in the ongoing SAVE project "Improving municipal energy management by motivational measures and knowledge transfer". Different motivational measures are piloted in four school buildings in the City of Helsinki, the target group being the maintenance personnel.

According to a preliminary study carried out in the City of Helsinki one of the main problems in the energy management was that the energy saving did not motivated the personnel. The reason for the lack of motivation is mainly based on the complicated organiastion and strict budgeting and wage systems.

The bonus wage system, developed in co-operation with the maintenance team of one pilot school was tested during October 1998 - March 1999. The bonus is based on achieving the target levels in energy and water consumption and performing certain maintenance work, for example checking the operation hours of ventilation and changing them whenever the need of ventilation is changed.

The maintenance teams of pilot schools are motivated also by non-material measures such as personal guidance, training and feesback related to the energy consumption. The municipal newsletter uses one pilot school as a good example in its energy saving articles. The detailed proposal for a new, more motivating energy cost budgeting systems will also be produced in the project. The results of the pilot actions on motivation and energy consumption of the buildings will be available in spring 1999.


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