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Impact of refrigerator efficiency policy and associated market transformation in India

Panel: 9. Products, appliances, ICT

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Kishore Kumar PVN, CLASP, India
Neha Dhingra, CLASP, India
Sameer Pandita, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India
PK mukherjee, CLASP India, India
Anju Singh, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India
Bishal Thapa, CLASP India, India


The refrigerator is an important household appliance for millions of urban and rural lives in India to preserve the freshness and shelf life of perishable food items. The domestic refrigerator market has doubled over the last decade as the appliance has become an integral part of everyday lifestyle, due to several factors such as rise in socio-economic status of the middle class and larger disposable income amongst others. The refrigerator ownership among Indian households accounts for 30%, with sales of about 15 million units in the Fiscal Year 2019-20.

Recognizing the rising demand and associated electricity consumption, India adopted an energy efficiency (EE) policy for frost free refrigerators (FFR) in 2006. After a year, the efficiency policy for direct cool refrigerators (DCR) was also announced to cover another category, which accounts for 80% market share. Since its adoption, FFR and DCR policies have been revised periodically, increasing the mandatory minimum energy performance standards by 67% and 59% respectively from the baseline thereby transforming the market towards more energy-efficient refrigerators. Over the last 15 years, India’s refrigerator efficiency policies have resulted in cumulative electricity savings of 167 Terawatt-hours and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 137 million tons.

This paper reviews and analyses Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s database for registered labeled appliances, and discusses the trends in market growth, technology evolution, and market transformation as a result of domestic refrigerator efficiency policies and further assesses the potential for future policy revisions.

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