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Perspectives and methods for monitoring and evaluating the fairness of the energy transition: a contextual approach

Panel: 4. Monitoring and evaluation for a wise, just and inclusive transition

This is a peer-reviewed paper.

Eva Heiskanen, Centre for Consumer Society Research, University of Helsinki, Finland
Kaisa Matschoss, Centre for Consumer Society Research, University of Helsinki, Finland
Jenny Rinkinen, Centre for Consumer Society Research, University of Helsinki, Finland
Senja Laakso, Faculty of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland


As the energy transition proceeds, issues of its fairness toward different people and groups have gained increasing attention. While the energy transition itself requires new metrics for evaluating energy systems and policies, it also places new requirements on the evaluation and monitoring of the fairness of energy systems and policies.

We draw on a critical review of the literature concerning three emerging issues in the energy transition: energy vulnerability, energy democracy and public acceptance, as well as their intersections, which we reflect on through the justice dimensions of distribution, procedures and recognition. On this basis, we develop a first proposal for indicators that address the intersections of these issues and dimensions, and consider potential data sources for such indicators.

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